Getting a Car Loan After Bankruptcy Leading a normal life while filing for bankruptcy or immediately after can be challenging. Needless to say, the bankruptcy filing will be public record and it could potentially affect requests for funding that you make in the future. Getting a car loan after bankruptcy isn’t an exception. What are […]
How Long does Your Arizona Bankruptcy Stay on Your Record? Planning your financial future is all about knowing the long-term implications of the decisions you make right now. If you’re struggling under the weight of multiple loans and late payments, you could be considering a bankruptcy filing. It will help you discharge some of the debt […]
Disability and Its Effect on an Arizona Bankruptcy Filing The total number of disability benefits recipients in Arizona is 119,079 people, 2016 statistics by the Social Security Office of Retirement and Disability Policy show. The average monthly payment that such people receive is 1,200 dollars. If you are a person dealing with a disability and you’ve […]
Death during Bankruptcy Proceedings: Main Considerations Sometimes, life puts us in unpredictable situations. Struggling with financial difficulties is obviously overwhelming. Many people will opt for bankruptcy discharge in such situations. What happens, however, on a debtor’s death during bankruptcy? Not only is this situation emotionally stressful, it will also lead to serious confusion. If you […]
Tax Refunds and Garnishment during Bankruptcy Proceedings in Arizona Anticipating the reception of your tax refunds is a glorious moment. When you have debt or you’re in the middle of bankruptcy proceedings, however, this moment could be linked to some anxiety. Will you be entitled to the refund or will it be garnished? What types of […]
Household Expense Considerations in an Arizona Bankruptcy How will you take care of your family if you opt for an Arizona bankruptcy? Will you have enough to cover basic needs and ensure a good quality of life? These are common questions that trouble many people who are exploring bankruptcy as a way to get out […]